New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Construction of Knowledge societies; Empowering communities for prosperity 
Year: 2013 
Abu Dhabi memorandum on good practices for education and countering violent extremism 
Year: 2014 
Plan of action to prevent violent extremism 
Year: 2015 
Building resilience against violent extremism: a community-based approach 
Volume: V668 
Year: 2016 
Annual Report, April 2015 to March 2016 :Towards Enhanced Human Rights-Centred Governance at All Levels 
Year: 2016 
A missing peace? The role of religious actors in countering Terrorism 
Volume: V33 
Year: 2009 
Mombasa Action plan aimed at countering violent extremism 
Year: 2018 
De-radicalising Islamists: Programmes and their impact in muslim majority states 
Year: 2012 
Good talk, not enough action: The AU's counter-terrorism architecture, and why it matters 
Year: 2015 
Trends of Violent Extremist Attacks and Arrests in Kenya, January-November 2017 
Year: 2017