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  Title Copies
Talking about terror: Counter terrorist campaigns and the logic of representation 
Volume: V16 
Year: 2010 
CV Religion 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 2363-9849 
Countering violent extremist narratives 
Year: 2010 
Civic approaches to confronting violent extremism 
Year: 2016 
Education and madrassahs in South Africa: on preventing the possibility of extremism 
Volume: V31 
Year: 2009 
ISSN: 1740-7931 
Why youth join al-Qaeda 
Year: 2010 
“Good” and “bad” muslim citizens: Feminists, terrorists, and U.S. orientalisms 
Year: 2009 
One to one online interventions 
Year: 2015 
Violent extremism in Africa: Preventing violent extremism through promoting inclusive development, tolerance and respect for diversity preventing 
Year: 2016 
Taming the imams: European governments and islamic preachers since 9/11 
Volume: V19 
Year: 2008