Results for "F"

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  Title Copies
From poverty to Dignity: a learning manual oh human rights based development 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 983427625 
Failed and friendless: the UK's 'preventing violent extremism' programme 
Year: 2010 
From Suspects to Citizens: Preventing Violent Extremism in a Big Society 
Year: 2010 
First steps towards hearts and minds? USAID’s countering violent extremism policies in Africa 
Volume: V26 
Year: 2014 
Foreigners at home : the dilemma of citizenship in Northern Kenya. 
Year: 2009 
Fighting Terrorism Fairly and Effectively: Recommendations for President-Elect Barack Obama 
Year: 2008 
First Steps Towards Hearts and Minds? USAID’s Countering Violent Extremism Policies in Africa 
Volume: V26 
Year: 2012 
Failure to deliver : violations of women's human rights in Kenyan health facilities 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 1890671355 
Call No: MLCM 2016/42796 
From boko haram to ansaru - The evolution of Nigerian Jihad 
Year: 2015 
Friend not Foe: Civil Society and the Struggle against Violent Extremism 
Year: 2008